NesSmartController extends SmartController

A class that supports Nes controller. Nes controlelr bjects are generated instead of base controller objects.

Create a Peer

const simple_peer = new smartcontroller.NesSmartController('id'); 

NesController extends BaseController

Overrides the updateController function from BaseController to store buttons and their states.

It has one extra fields:

  • buttons => dictionary of vailable buttons, the value is true if pressed: up, down, right, left, start, select, a, b
controller.buttons // check for specific button eg. controller.buttons['start'] is true of start is pressed 


    // make a NesSmartController object
    const simple_peer = new smartcontroller.NesSmartController('id'); 

    //Check if up button is pressed
    if (simple_peer.controllerList[Object.keys(controllerList)[0]].button['up']){
        // do something

Try a demo here: link Use the nes controller for your project: link